Trosper Family 2016

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Words to Live By--Believe

I have a little pillow hanging on my doorknob, it says "Believe, 'All things are possible if you believe'." The actual quote from Mark 9:23 King James version says "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth."

There are so many things I believe and it does make things possible--maybe because I simply "Believe". Some quick things that come to mind are:
1) I Believe God created us to have joy. Because I believe that I look for joy even when things are tough, and, I find joy everywhere.
2) I Believe all people are good. I usually don't have a problem finding the good in everyone. Maybe they don't "believe" they are good, so they may take a path away from the good in them--but intrinsically they will find their way back when they learn, then "believe" they are good.
3) I believe we can learn from our trials, challenges, and mistakes. We have to own them first,
then "believe" we can do better, and help others too.
4) I believe by leaning on the Lord we can overcome and do things way beyond our perception of our capabilities.

Okay, now here's the negative. If all things are possible if we believe then that would mean the converse is true--things aren't possible if you don't believe. So maybe that's the reason I can't find the energy to walk, to exercise. Maybe because I believe I can't lose weight, I don't. So if change that mind set to "I believe I can lose weight"--then it should be possible . That's kind of exciting because I do intently agree with that scripture, and it doesn't say--most things are possible of you believe, it says ALL things are possible if you believe. So it must be. I need to change that belief that I can't lose weight. How do I change my belief system? Affirmations maybe?

Belief--All things are possible if you believe.
I believe I am a Child of God.
I believe God wants me to be healthy
I believe if I exercise each day I will be more healthy.
I believe if I drink water I will be healthy
I believe if I eat good things I will have a healthier body.
I believe if I do these things I will lose weight which will also help me to be healthier.
I believe these things are possible if I believe.

As I am writing this article I am thinking of our Articles of Faith which with the exception of #11 all begin with "We believe" . These are 13 short statements that explain the "Beliefs" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I am grateful to know all things are possible if I believe. I am grateful to believe in positive, hopeful things that I want to be possible. As I struggle with conflicts of my soul, or my life, I can be directed very quickly to just adjusting my belief system so that I can move forward,.

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